When you sign up for internet service with a provider like Rogers, Bell, Cogeco, Primus, or other providers here in Canada, they tell you to set up an email address on their service. You end up with an address like firstlast@rogers.com or myname@sympatico.ca. That’s fine for dealing with the services from that provider. But don’t…
Category: Uncategorized
Give family members secure access to your medical information in the cloud so they have it in an emergency
If you had to be rushed to the emergency room, would your family be able to answer key questions from the medical staff? Would they be able to access recent bloodwork, doctors’ reports, and diagnostic tests? If not, I suggest you set up secure cloud access to your medical records and information so that your…
You just got an email from your bank. Is it real? Here are some ways to identify scam emails.
You just got an email from your bank. Is it real? Here are some ways to identify scam emails. An email that appears to have come from your bank has just arrived in your Inbox. With so many scams going around these days, you are right to be skeptical. Is this email legitimate? Or is…
Share the latest photos of the grandkids with your parents using a Google Nest Hub
One of the great features of a Google Nest Hub (the regular Hub or the Hub Max) is the ability to display photos on the screen when it is not performing a task. This can be set up to act like a photo frame for grandparents to always see the latest photos of their grandkids.…
Protect your valuable documents and cherished photos with cloud backup
If you have a Windows or Mac computer you have hundreds or thousands of valuable documents and cherished photos on your hard drive. What if that drive fails? It will. It is just a matter of time. I’ve had it happen twice and without a backup it is painful. We lost some video of my…
Make your TV work for your room and seating: TV stand or wall mount
If you’ve just moved into a new place or rearranged the furniture, your TV may not be in a spot that makes it easy to see. It may not be at the right height or it may not be at the right angle. You don’t have to strain your neck or twist your body. Instead,…